What is the Grandma Rule?
This is similiar to the Golden Rule; "Do to others as you would have them do to you".
We will:
- Look out for your best interests regarding vehicle selection, trade-ins and service.
- Take the time to learn about you, your driving habits and your needs before we offer advice
- Always make recommendations for required maintenance, repairs and overall safety.
- Respect your time and budget letting you know what your vehicle needs today and what can wait until next time.
We are here to take care of you!
How this changes your experience?
We always ask ourselves, “would you wear that to Grandma’s home for Sunday dinner?”, “Would you use that profanity if Grandma could hear you?”, or even “Would you stop to pick up that piece of garbage if it was on Grandma’s front porch?
By keeping the Grandma Rule top of mind, you will experience a new culture of respect, fairness, professionalism and integrity. We use the Grandma Rule as a test for how we behave, how we dress, how we speak and how we show our guests that we care about them.